For me, I could enjoy pumpkin any time of the year. It is one of my favorite foods and also one of the most Sattvic, positive pranic vegetables on the planet. Its sweet, Earth energy helps to soothe Vata dosha and calm Pitta dosha. However, it is not so sweet to upset Kapha dosha. For all body types, and for all times of the year, pumpkin will help to ease and balance digestion. By adding digestive spices, these Spiced Pumpkin Tacos become a powerhouse of nutrition, vitamins, and Ayurvedic healing. You can also easily do this recipe with squash, sweet potato, or zucchini and get the same Ayurvedic benefits!

I’ve created a simple, delicious Raw Sunflower Bell Pepper Cream sauce that you will LOVE. It has just the right amount of tang, heartiness, and sweetness without using garlic, onion, or tomatoes. Why don’t I use these? These are negative/zero pranic foods. They can make the mind unstable and dull the nervous system. Many yogis and monks in India, Southeast Asia, Japan, and Korea do not eat these foods because it makes their minds more erratic, making their meditations harder. For a healthy body and mind, I focus on positive, pranic foods.

This meal will give you SO much energy. Not what I used to feel after eating tacos growing up! Best part? They only take 15 minutes to make! Give these a try, and let me know what you think!

Ayurvedic Energetics

The spiced pumpkin can be used with homemade corn tortillas or store-bought. If buying from the store, check the ingredients. Your corn tortillas should only have corn, water, and perhaps a bit of salt. Be careful of additives and preservatives that may be difficult to digest and burden your body. Pitta and Kapha types can enjoy these on corn tortillas, and Vata types may prefer to use whole wheat wraps or brown rice as a base.

Recipes like this can help if you want to:

  • Enhance fertility and reproductive health
  • Soothe the nervous system
  • Fight dry, oily, or inflamed skin
  • Balance indigestion, diarrhea, and constipation
  • Balance hot and dry emotions such as anger and anxiety
  • Balance out inflammations in the digestive tract, hyperacidity, or ulcers
  • Balance hormones, especially reproductive system
  • Keep blood sugar stable

Ayurvedic Healing Ingredients

Some of the Ayurvedic energetics of the ingredients in this recipe include:


One of the most sattvic foods on Earth, pumpkin pacifies all three doshas. This gourd helps to heal digestion, and it is very easy for the body to access its dense nutritional profile, with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components. It supports natural immunity, healthy blood flow, and healthy blood sugar levels. It also promotes a calm mind.

Bell Pepper

A slightly astringent/sweet vegetable with high “Air” energetics, making it pacifying for both Pitta and Kapha, targeting especially the blood and fat tissue.

Sunflower Seeds

A tridoshic seed, sunflower seeds are great for Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas when used in small to moderate amounts. They have a sweet, warming, Earthy quality and help to build bone and muscle, reduce Pitta-type inflammation, reduce cholesterol, clearing the lungs, and clearing the lymphatic system. They are excellent for diabetics and weight loss.

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