From Indian Dal Makhani to West African Lentil Peanut Stew, lentils have millions of creative and delicious uses. Packed with fiber and protein, they keep you full for long periods of time and give you energy and strength. One of my favorite ways to use lentils is in a simple Sprouted Lentil Vegetable Stew. This soup balances both Pitta and Kapha dosha, as well as Vata dosha when used sparingly. It is one of those meals that balances the body all year ’round!

Lentils are an astringent, Air-energy ingredient. This quality, according to Ayurveda, helps in dissolving or drying excess fat and oil in the body. This makes this soup particularly great for weight loss, diabetics, those with high appetites, those with diarrhea or intestinal burning, and those with acne or inflammation. 

This stew requires LESS cooking time than most lentil stews because the lentils are sprouted! This means the lentils are already edible, even before you throw them in the stew! You can sprout your own at home by soaking lentils in water overnight. Drain them and keep them in a colander in a warm place (inside oven if the weather is cold). Rinse them with water twice a day until sprouts form (about 2 days).

Recipes like this can help if you want to:

  • Reduce excess weight, growths, and cysts
  • Reduce body inflammation, burning, and swelling
  • Reduce anger, lethargy, and depressive emotions
  • Clear mucus in the stool
  • Get energized and clear body toxins
  • Clear red, oily skin
  • Reduce heavy menstrual bleeding

Ayurvedic Healing Ingredients

Some of the Ayurvedic energetics of the ingredients in this Sprouted Lentil Vegetable Stew include:


Lentils are legumes high in Air energy. They are great for Pitta and Kapha body types, but Vata types can enjoy them in small amounts as well, especially when cooked with digestive spices. They are great for diabetics and for weight loss. They help reduce acne and inflammation. They are excellent for energizing and reducing lethargy, anger, and even judgment of self and others. They dissolve body mucus and congestion, as well. Sprouting lentils increases their iron content and converts the hard-to-digest starches to protein. 


A well-known cleanser, celery is a diuretic. It is great for losing excess weight and water in the body. It is high in “Air” energy, making it especially good for Pitta and Kapha imbalances. Its bitter taste also helps to cleanse the liver, spleen, and blood. It promotes clear vision and dissolves accumulations within the body such as cysts, tumors, and toxic “ama” buildup. It promotes a healthy, stable appetite and blood sugar.  


Carrots are slightly sweet root vegetables with a heating energy. They are great for balancing Vata and Kapha body types. They help to keep the blood sugar stable. For Vata types, they help with gaining weight. With Kapha types, they help to lose weight. They are great for eye health and liver cleansing. Pitta types can use sparingly and combined with other Pitta-balancing ingredients such as leafy greens and legumes.